On Tour!

I have had a fanstastic week in Luleå since I came back from Blacksburg. I've been catching up with friends and family, practiced well and just enjoyed being home.

Figuring out my fall has proved not to be an easy task and I have spend quite some time on deciding where to live, what tennis club to play for and what to study, if anything. My ambition for the fall is to put all my focus on the tennis, something I've never had a chance to do before. Yet, I can only practice so many hours per day and I would like to stimulate my intellect in some way to stay sane.

Today, I found out that I got admitted to Chalmer University of Technology in Gothenburg and their program in engineering physics. The only problem is that studying engineering physics full time is tough, and will not allow me to play as much tennis as I would like and definitely not to travel for tournaments. Unless Chalmers can work with me and create an indivudal plan for taking courses, I have to look into different options for the fall.

One alternative is to enroll in independent courses, preferably online. I am about to look into that option right now and see what i can find out.

The next two weeks I will be travelling in the southern part of Sweden playing tournaments on the national tour. It is usually a fun experience (especially travelling with friends) and there is always a chance of winning some prize money.

I know I have not made a great job of updating the blog lately, especially not the English part of it. Hopefully, I can access computers at some public libraries or at friends places,. but I am not sure.

Since I am now back in Sweden and can more easily stay in touch with all of my Swedish friends, it will probably make more sense to write more in English. I am also thinking about making two separate blogs, one in Swedish and another in English.

I do feel I have a lot to write about and I have articles that I like to write. Lately, I really have not had the time to spend in front of the computer. (or more correctly, I have emphasized other activites).

As things settle down later, I hope to get back to my original productivity. Now when I am back in Sweden, I can follow the debate in Sweden more closely. Therefore, I can reflect and comment more on recent events. 

Postat av: Cissi

Grattis till Chalmers! Det är inte det lättaste man kan göra att komma in där!=) Två olika bloggar är en god idé, annars är vi ju svenska ganska bra på att läsa på engelska, kan kanske bli jobbigt att skriva om samma sak två gånger? Kram

2007-07-12 @ 09:23:28
Postat av: Klädhängaren

Härligt läsvärd blogg! Något som skulle uppskattas vore lite resultat från sommartouren, du kanske vann någon skön dubbeltitel t.ex.

2007-07-24 @ 18:11:37

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